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5 Health Risks from Consuming too much Digital Content

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Time passes away while binging through various shows, seasons like Game of Thrones, Big Bang Theory and YouTube's web series like Cobra Kai, etc…

Where does science and engineering intersect ?

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All boils down to ease human in whatever they are doing. Essentially in broad terms solving problems with minor difficulty (with automation so that i…

How to: Add Conda Environments to SublimeREPL builds

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Hope you are doing good, this is going to a bit long process but hang tight. As you might already know, Sublime is text editor for many people's…

Making Protocol Terminologies Easy: Transmission time, Propagation time and Others

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All is Analogies that makes understanding easy. Diving right into Analogy. Suppose you have won "Who Wants to be a millionaire" and you…

How to: Installing Multiple Python Kernels or Version in System

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If you are reading this, then I guess you might be a multi-facet geek who likes jumping among python versions. Moving On... The possible way of…

How to: Enable Hibernation on Linux Mint and Ubuntu Distro's

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People, people, if that one making you to reboot to your dual booted system into windows, is unpresence of hibernation on Linux side. Mainly p…

Role of Math in Computer Science & Ways to Visualize it

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Don't let your skill level in math discourage you from learning to program. If you know the difference between addition, subtraction, multiplica…

Math, Effort and Procrastination

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I'm going to illustrate a simple math and model around it some words to make you understand that even simple math can tell us or rather we can think that math is telling us in some way that h…

Use of if __name__ == '__main__' : Explained, When to use, How to use ?

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If I guess, you may have seen the checking the __name__ much time in documentation and other places. Use of which is still may be a blur while wr…
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