Where does science and engineering intersect ?

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All boils down to ease human in whatever they are doing. Essentially in broad terms solving problems with minor difficulty (with automation so that it musn't require human intervention), and problems with higher difficulty (so that it doesn't take too long to be tedious.)

Engineering is mostly about applying researched results, formulas into use so that can be used to solve some real dope shit. Knowing how everything works inside out, can be juiced out for practical use for human daily tasks.
For example: graphene has been investigated by scientists to be proven strongest than diamond having some properties and condition but how using this backstory of graphene being strongest and lightest, can be applied to daily use for easing things and creating new ways to solve transportation that previously never would have possible.

Engineering mainly requiring a routine of planning, designing, building and atlast applying it into main stream.

So real question is can you build something using methods that are scientifically gives success rate to solve a problem through cleverly thinking.

Technology in easier terms, is a byproduct produced by applying scientific research, coding, formulas. Technology is mainly for solving problems (easing humans task through computer computation or interaction)
  •  Example: HTML is a web technology that helps in developing pages solves the problem of availability of resource.
  •  Example : Deep learning is a AI Technology that solves complicated problems that human intuitively does but computer find it hard to understand. Deep learning solves this by building a complex concepts on top of simple concepts.)
Science: the things from which we can understand why things work and how things work, specifically the SYSTEM OF REASONING behind everything that we look with skepticism enabling the growth for reasoning and digging deeper to workout the working or mechanism behind it. Science is abstraction of perspective means that there are lot of things we want to know how they work and reason how they work so perfectly and fit in the big puzzle of nature, changing perspective into different spaces derives the fields in sciences. 
For example : how birds fly, it is obvious for them and surely birds cant explain us, but we have more intelligence(composition of reasoning, perception etc) than the animal that is actually flying.
Ability to observe the characteristics of flying, what making it do what its doing. Copying it and understand it by doing systematic experiments to create a reason-backed knowledge base about it. All the collection of knowledge that is acquired by experiments in that changed perspective field becomes that branch in 'system of reasoning for everything'.
There are master peoples that have mastered the art of reasoning by understand the previous collected knowledge, revise and improve if required the holes in the system of reasoning. Curious to to dig deeper for a lot of things that are yet left to back the reason.
It can be understood like this, if there is a model that can be able to tell the label which in this case is REASON of how something works.. And corresponding data point is the actual things that we are trying to find reason behind it
With that said, I'll leave upto to reader to ponder upon the different theories of finding the reasoning behind the working of stuffs that makeup our surround & make our life easier.
Y Aakash
Hello World, I Dwell with Creative Sketching, Coding, Finance & Blogging by putting my Views and Work.

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