Reason behind Why Hot water makes you feel Sleepy ?

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Rushing in a daily routine is common, mostly having a run after a bath to school/office work. In this rush, most of the time people prefer to go with what's convenient to them in a context of bath water - Hot or cold. Maybe season affects the decisions or some other reason could be possible. Even If we are not into the rush and just want to relax a bit, then there always said to use a most preferable temperature of water which is HOT water. The reason behind that was mostly neglected to explain by mere short statements but not the scientific explanation.
So, during my exam prep leave, I thought to put my legs into hot water because the season was winter and it was chilled out there. But plan to study along with dipping legs in the bucket (which was a bad plan, really). The moment I dipped, a quick sensation of being loose and relief ran all over the body. Really it was the most relaxing moment which I was not aware could happen and planned alongside with the study. But why all that happened and what was actually happening ?. Lets post mortem this question (which arose) into answers for every step as sensation started and also going through fact and study/methods by Ayurveda.

1. Skin reacts to the temperature we provide relative to what it actually adapted. Meaning that we could tell the difference in temperature by sensing.

2. The consequence of this sensing makes brain to tell how to react.

3. By many practices, it's been seen that cold water makes skin excited and hot water loose the contraction and gives the sense of relief. (the "aah" moment).

Now comes the brief explanation,

There are chemicals present in certain parts of the brain called Endochrinious Fluids. These Fluids are responsible for causing sleepiness. These are mainly found in the hypothalamus. A certain temperature of water on your skin comes sensory neurons to become Stimulated in a certain way, causing them to send a unique signal to the brain . This signal Causes the ‘sleep activator’ to be released and transported around the body. It causes Muscles to relax more and slows your heart rate.

By Ayurveda, hot water provide many positive effects,

1. Ayurveda suggests that drinking warm water before bed remove toxins in the body.
2. A good glass of warm water is secret to good health and skin.
3. Reduce body pain: warm water with carom seeds (ajwain)
4. Water required: 3 to 4 liters per day.

People makes fun of when they consume hot beverages in the hot season. When you drink a hot sweat a lot for some time that leads to a rise in body temp and water tries to cool down by sweating cleans the skin cells by taking out excess water and salt from cells and body.

So, there's that! Cold water has its different advantages and hot water has its own, when to use which is a right play of selection. But my suggestion would be not dipping your legs into hot water when plan is to study for exams -- just DON'T do that otherwise you'll be asleep like me.

Let me know your thoughts on it. Please send your kind feedbacks or replies.
Y Aakash
Hello World, I Dwell with Creative Sketching, Coding, Finance & Blogging by putting my Views and Work.

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